Climate change caused by global warming is getting worse. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gives us until 2030 to make significant inroads into reducing the use of fossil fuels. The next generation, i.e., our kids, are passionate about real action. They are protesting and taking time off from school. Yet, how do we focus on real practical action to stop global warming?
We share with you a website: www.drawdown.org
Here you will find in order of magnitude of effect what is contributing to global warming, or what can be targeted in order to have the most effect on reducing global warming.
The top 10 global warming reduction solutions are:
- Refrigerant Management
- Wind Turbines (Onshore)
- Reduced Food Waste
- Plant-Rich Diet
- Tropical Forests
- Educating Girls
- Family Planning
- Solar Farms
- Silvopasture
- Rooftop Solar
Here at Storage Works Artarmon , we have installed roof top solar panels, retrofitted LED lighting, use sensor lighting controls, and drive electric and hybrid cars. We also buyback used boxes so they can to be used again.
Have a look at the top 100 global warming reduction solutions from drawdown.org . This is a list for us and our kids to really identify what we can do, practically, to reduce global warming before it is too late.
Distilled to what we can immediately do on an individual level, the list identifies reduced food waste and eating less meat, more plants/vegetables. These are steps we can implement straight away in our daily lives.
Action speaks louder than words.